"efficiency" has a connotation of dry-mouthed banality;
"Maximize Reward" or "Maximize benefit" sounds more fun.
Maximize benefit by means of fun.
During the trip to Boston I handed out like 23 zines. It's possible that those people will read this; That layer of association is a bonus. The experience of handing out zines is definitely increasing my capability in social interaction and dissemination of my procedural rhetoric. Passing out zines in a hip city is just one new and exciting experience of which i want to maximize the benefit by having a good time.
I think I'd like to go ahead and start a list of recent experiences that I would like to maximize the benefit of through fun activities:
-walking around a moist thaw city and being amazed that people are always around.
-attempting to fathom the population density of Boston and the exponential complexity when I begin to think about the idiosyncratic lives of Boston's citizens.
-Considering how much more applicable modern art is in a city setting.
-Enthusiastically exploring the concepts and designs of a city which produces economic benefit and integrates with a mammalian ecosystem.
-Exploring the demand for arcades and possible satisfications of that demand.
-Accepting and understanding the influence of setting context when observing graffiti and other arts.
-Getting my city on.
-Loving a field of naturally occurring crudités.
-Making a videogame called "city-jogger" where you get multipliers for not stopping and you have to dodge pedestrians, avoid cars, time cross-walks, and the setting is super interesting. Fully crafted pedestrians that you can learn about and observe, but are encouraged not to do so with automated reward systems for speed and distance.
-Developing and disseminating my concepts of gamer community.